ocornut 514a97a9b7 Merge branch 'master' into docking
# Conflicts:
#	backends/imgui_impl_dx11.cpp
#	backends/imgui_impl_dx11.h
#	backends/imgui_impl_dx12.cpp
#	backends/imgui_impl_dx12.h
#	backends/imgui_impl_glfw.cpp
#	backends/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer2.cpp
#	backends/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer2.h
#	backends/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer3.cpp
#	backends/imgui_impl_sdlrenderer3.h
#	backends/imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp
#	backends/imgui_impl_vulkan.h
#	backends/imgui_impl_wgpu.cpp
#	backends/imgui_impl_wgpu.h
#	backends/imgui_impl_win32.cpp
#	imgui.cpp
#	imgui_demo.cpp
2024-10-14 19:23:23 +02:00

203 lines
12 KiB

// dear imgui: Renderer Backend for Vulkan
// This needs to be used along with a Platform Backend (e.g. GLFW, SDL, Win32, custom..)
// Implemented features:
// [x] Renderer: User texture binding. Use 'VkDescriptorSet' as ImTextureID. Read the FAQ about ImTextureID! See for discussions.
// [X] Renderer: Large meshes support (64k+ vertices) with 16-bit indices.
// [X] Renderer: Expose selected render state for draw callbacks to use. Access in '(ImGui_ImplXXXX_RenderState*)GetPlatformIO().Renderer_RenderState'.
// [x] Renderer: Multi-viewport / platform windows. With issues (flickering when creating a new viewport).
// The aim of imgui_impl_vulkan.h/.cpp is to be usable in your engine without any modification.
// IF YOU FEEL YOU NEED TO MAKE ANY CHANGE TO THIS CODE, please share them and your feedback at
// You can use unmodified imgui_impl_* files in your project. See examples/ folder for examples of using this.
// Prefer including the entire imgui/ repository into your project (either as a copy or as a submodule), and only build the backends you need.
// Learn about Dear ImGui:
// - FAQ
// - Getting Started
// - Documentation (same as your local docs/ folder).
// - Introduction, links and more at the top of imgui.cpp
// Important note to the reader who wish to integrate imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp/.h in their own engine/app.
// - Common ImGui_ImplVulkan_XXX functions and structures are used to interface with imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp/.h.
// You will use those if you want to use this rendering backend in your engine/app.
// - Helper ImGui_ImplVulkanH_XXX functions and structures are only used by this example (main.cpp) and by
// the backend itself (imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp), but should PROBABLY NOT be used by your own engine/app code.
// Read comments in imgui_impl_vulkan.h.
#pragma once
#include "imgui.h" // IMGUI_IMPL_API
// [Configuration] in order to use a custom Vulkan function loader:
// (1) You'll need to disable default Vulkan function prototypes.
// We provide a '#define IMGUI_IMPL_VULKAN_NO_PROTOTYPES' convenience configuration flag.
// In order to make sure this is visible from the imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp compilation unit:
// - Add '#define IMGUI_IMPL_VULKAN_NO_PROTOTYPES' in your imconfig.h file
// - Or as a compilation flag in your build system
// - Or uncomment here (not recommended because you'd be modifying imgui sources!)
// - Do not simply add it in a .cpp file!
// (2) Call ImGui_ImplVulkan_LoadFunctions() before ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init() with your custom function.
// If you have no idea what this is, leave it alone!
// Convenience support for Volk
// (you can also technically use IMGUI_IMPL_VULKAN_NO_PROTOTYPES + wrap Volk via ImGui_ImplVulkan_LoadFunctions().)
#if defined(VK_USE_PLATFORM_WIN32_KHR) && !defined(NOMINMAX)
#define NOMINMAX
// Vulkan includes
#include <volk.h>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#if defined(VK_VERSION_1_3) || defined(VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering)
// Initialization data, for ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init()
// - VkDescriptorPool should be created with VK_DESCRIPTOR_POOL_CREATE_FREE_DESCRIPTOR_SET_BIT,
// and must contain a pool size large enough to hold an ImGui VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER descriptor.
// - When using dynamic rendering, set UseDynamicRendering=true and fill PipelineRenderingCreateInfo structure.
// [Please zero-clear before use!]
struct ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo
VkInstance Instance;
VkPhysicalDevice PhysicalDevice;
VkDevice Device;
uint32_t QueueFamily;
VkQueue Queue;
VkDescriptorPool DescriptorPool; // See requirements in note above
VkRenderPass RenderPass; // Ignored if using dynamic rendering
uint32_t MinImageCount; // >= 2
uint32_t ImageCount; // >= MinImageCount
VkSampleCountFlagBits MSAASamples; // 0 defaults to VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT
// (Optional)
VkPipelineCache PipelineCache;
uint32_t Subpass;
// (Optional) Dynamic Rendering
// Need to explicitly enable VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering extension to use this, even for Vulkan 1.3.
bool UseDynamicRendering;
VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR PipelineRenderingCreateInfo;
// (Optional) Allocation, Debugging
const VkAllocationCallbacks* Allocator;
void (*CheckVkResultFn)(VkResult err);
VkDeviceSize MinAllocationSize; // Minimum allocation size. Set to 1024*1024 to satisfy zealous best practices validation layer and waste a little memory.
// Follow "Getting Started" link and check examples/ folder to learn about using backends!
IMGUI_IMPL_API bool ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init(ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo* info);
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkan_Shutdown();
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkan_NewFrame();
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkan_RenderDrawData(ImDrawData* draw_data, VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkPipeline pipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE);
IMGUI_IMPL_API bool ImGui_ImplVulkan_CreateFontsTexture();
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkan_DestroyFontsTexture();
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkan_SetMinImageCount(uint32_t min_image_count); // To override MinImageCount after initialization (e.g. if swap chain is recreated)
// Register a texture (VkDescriptorSet == ImTextureID)
// FIXME: This is experimental in the sense that we are unsure how to best design/tackle this problem
// Please post to if you have suggestions.
IMGUI_IMPL_API VkDescriptorSet ImGui_ImplVulkan_AddTexture(VkSampler sampler, VkImageView image_view, VkImageLayout image_layout);
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkan_RemoveTexture(VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set);
// Optional: load Vulkan functions with a custom function loader
IMGUI_IMPL_API bool ImGui_ImplVulkan_LoadFunctions(PFN_vkVoidFunction(*loader_func)(const char* function_name, void* user_data), void* user_data = nullptr);
// [BETA] Selected render state data shared with callbacks.
// This is temporarily stored in GetPlatformIO().Renderer_RenderState during the ImGui_ImplVulkan_RenderDrawData() call.
// (Please open an issue if you feel you need access to more data)
struct ImGui_ImplVulkan_RenderState
VkCommandBuffer CommandBuffer;
VkPipeline Pipeline;
VkPipelineLayout PipelineLayout;
// Internal / Miscellaneous Vulkan Helpers
// (Used by example's main.cpp. Used by multi-viewport features. PROBABLY NOT used by your own engine/app.)
// You probably do NOT need to use or care about those functions.
// Those functions only exist because:
// 1) they facilitate the readability and maintenance of the multiple main.cpp examples files.
// 2) the multi-viewport / platform window implementation needs them internally.
// Generally we avoid exposing any kind of superfluous high-level helpers in the bindings,
// but it is too much code to duplicate everywhere so we exceptionally expose them.
// Your engine/app will likely _already_ have code to setup all that stuff (swap chain, render pass, frame buffers, etc.).
// You may read this code to learn about Vulkan, but it is recommended you use you own custom tailored code to do equivalent work.
// (The ImGui_ImplVulkanH_XXX functions do not interact with any of the state used by the regular ImGui_ImplVulkan_XXX functions)
struct ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Frame;
struct ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Window;
// Helpers
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkanH_CreateOrResizeWindow(VkInstance instance, VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, VkDevice device, ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Window* wd, uint32_t queue_family, const VkAllocationCallbacks* allocator, int w, int h, uint32_t min_image_count);
IMGUI_IMPL_API void ImGui_ImplVulkanH_DestroyWindow(VkInstance instance, VkDevice device, ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Window* wd, const VkAllocationCallbacks* allocator);
IMGUI_IMPL_API VkSurfaceFormatKHR ImGui_ImplVulkanH_SelectSurfaceFormat(VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, VkSurfaceKHR surface, const VkFormat* request_formats, int request_formats_count, VkColorSpaceKHR request_color_space);
IMGUI_IMPL_API VkPresentModeKHR ImGui_ImplVulkanH_SelectPresentMode(VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, VkSurfaceKHR surface, const VkPresentModeKHR* request_modes, int request_modes_count);
IMGUI_IMPL_API int ImGui_ImplVulkanH_GetMinImageCountFromPresentMode(VkPresentModeKHR present_mode);
// Helper structure to hold the data needed by one rendering frame
// (Used by example's main.cpp. Used by multi-viewport features. Probably NOT used by your own engine/app.)
// [Please zero-clear before use!]
struct ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Frame
VkCommandPool CommandPool;
VkCommandBuffer CommandBuffer;
VkFence Fence;
VkImage Backbuffer;
VkImageView BackbufferView;
VkFramebuffer Framebuffer;
struct ImGui_ImplVulkanH_FrameSemaphores
VkSemaphore ImageAcquiredSemaphore;
VkSemaphore RenderCompleteSemaphore;
// Helper structure to hold the data needed by one rendering context into one OS window
// (Used by example's main.cpp. Used by multi-viewport features. Probably NOT used by your own engine/app.)
struct ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Window
int Width;
int Height;
VkSwapchainKHR Swapchain;
VkSurfaceKHR Surface;
VkSurfaceFormatKHR SurfaceFormat;
VkPresentModeKHR PresentMode;
VkRenderPass RenderPass;
bool UseDynamicRendering;
bool ClearEnable;
VkClearValue ClearValue;
uint32_t FrameIndex; // Current frame being rendered to (0 <= FrameIndex < FrameInFlightCount)
uint32_t ImageCount; // Number of simultaneous in-flight frames (returned by vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR, usually derived from min_image_count)
uint32_t SemaphoreCount; // Number of simultaneous in-flight frames + 1, to be able to use it in vkAcquireNextImageKHR
uint32_t SemaphoreIndex; // Current set of swapchain wait semaphores we're using (needs to be distinct from per frame data)
ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Frame* Frames;
ImGui_ImplVulkanH_FrameSemaphores* FrameSemaphores;
memset((void*)this, 0, sizeof(*this));
PresentMode = (VkPresentModeKHR)~0; // Ensure we get an error if user doesn't set this.
ClearEnable = true;
#endif // #ifndef IMGUI_DISABLE