
894 lines
29 KiB

** The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
** Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
** with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
** Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
** WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
** the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
** Carmageddon, Doom, Blood, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Driver, Tomb Raider, Dark Forces,
** Jedi Knight, Uprising
** - Portable ANSIC 32bit code.
** - Playable on low spec PC's and game consoles. Playstation, Gameboy Advanced.
** - Easy world design & game programming.
** - Flexable game platform. Should handle different types of games.
** - Small world download for dynamic internet games.
** - Inside & outside rendering.
** - Portable to any video graphics card. (MIN: 320x200 Chunky graphics)
** - Independant of floating point processor. (Fixed point maths)
** - Extendable. Static lighting, multi leveled sectors, zbuffered polygon meshes.
** - Compatible with DOOM & Build engine AI code.
** - Bases sector functions. Doors, lifts.
** - global effects. Lightning, palette effects, screen shakes.
** - Better collision detection and kinetics.
** - 2D sprites (Use the current polygon rendering & add color keying)
** - Correct sector sorting to remove dependancy on zbuffering. (Then add 2D Span clipping)
** - OpenGL rendering. (Maybe Glide support for 3DFX. DOS & Linux)
** - Look into MMX. (Not really useful these days)
** - Sector based terain render. Create mesh from bitmap.
#include "div/div0.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "wall.h"
#include "sector.h"
#include "level.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "polygon.h"
#include "picture.h"
#include "dos.h"
#include "pragmas.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "math.h"
** Global Variables
CLUT blender;
LIGHTMAP lightmaps[32];
VIEW view;
OBJECT* camera = &objects[1];
OBJECT* thing = &objects[2];
PICTURE pic_stencil;
PICTURE pic_fbuffer;
PICTURE pic_bbuffer;
PICTURE pic_zbuffer;
PICTURE pic_arrow;
PICTURE pic_sky;
PICTURE pic_lens;
PICTURE pic_console;
PICTURE pic_font;
SURFACE clipboard;
PALLETE palette;
char sbuf[1024]; // General purpose string buffer. Results should be copied after use.
void picture_create_mip(PICTURE* dst, PICTURE* src, CLUT blender)
int x, y;
picture_create(dst, src->width, src->height, src->bpp, 0, 0);
for (y = 0; y < dst->height; y += 2)
for (x = 0; x < dst->width; x += 2)
int a = blender[src->scanlines.b[y + 0][x + 0]][src->scanlines.b[y + 0][x + 1]];
int b = blender[src->scanlines.b[y + 1][x + 0]][src->scanlines.b[y + 1][x + 1]];
int c = blender[a][b];
dst->scanlines.b[y][x] = c;
dst->scanlines.b[y][x + 1] = c;
dst->scanlines.b[y + 1][x] = c;
dst->scanlines.b[y + 1][x + 1] = c;
void lightmap_create(LIGHTMAP lightmap, PALLETE palette, int brightness)
int fr = 0;
int fg = 0;
int fb = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
lightmap[j][i] = palette_search(palette,
imin(imuldiv(fr + imuldiv(palette[i][0] - fr, j, 31), brightness * 4, 31), 255),
imin(imuldiv(fg + imuldiv(palette[i][1] - fg, j, 31), brightness * 4, 31), 255),
imin(imuldiv(fb + imuldiv(palette[i][2] - fb, j, 31), brightness * 4, 31), 255));
void say(char* s)
void tables_create(void)
int i, x, y, r;
say("Calculating Lightmaps.");
for (i = 32; i--;) lightmap_create(lightmaps[i], palette, i);
say("Calculating Blender LUT.");
for (x = 255; x--;)
for (y = 255; y--;)
r = (palette[x][0] + palette[y][0]) >> 1;
blender[y][x] = palette_search(palette,
(palette[x][0] + palette[y][0]) >> 1,
(palette[x][1] + palette[y][1]) >> 1,
(palette[x][2] + palette[y][2]) >> 1);
** name: polygon_render
** desc: render polygon to the back buffer. standard perspective correct dda style rendering.
** also handles sky rendering & mip mapping.
void polygon_render(POLYGON src, int n, const SURFACE* surface, const WORD id, const int width, const int height)
int i;
POLYGON tmp1, tmp2;
int ys[MAX_POLYGON];
for (i = n; i--; ys[i] = src [i].x + src [i].z); n = polygon_clip(tmp2, src, n, ys); // Left
for (i = n; i--; ys[i] = tmp2[i].z - tmp2[i].x); n = polygon_clip(tmp1, tmp2, n, ys); // Right
for (i = n; i--; ys[i] = tmp1[i].y + tmp1[i].z); n = polygon_clip(tmp2, tmp1, n, ys); // Top
for (i = n; i--; ys[i] = tmp2[i].z - tmp2[i].y); n = polygon_clip(tmp1, tmp2, n, ys); // Bottom
if (n >= 3)
int i, j;
int lt_i, lt_x, lt_xx, lt_z, lt_zz, lt_u, lt_uu, lt_v, lt_vv, lt_w, lt_ww;
int rt_i, rt_x, rt_xx, rt_z, rt_zz, rt_u, rt_uu, rt_v, rt_vv, rt_w, rt_ww;
int x, xx;
TEXTURE66* tb = textures[surface->texture].buffer;
LIGHTMAP* lb = lightmaps[(surface->light + 16) & 31];
int lt_length = 0;
int rt_length = 0;
int y1 = INT_MAX;
int y2 = INT_MIN;
int cx = i2f(width ) >> 1;
int cy = i2f(height) >> 1;
for (i = n; i--;)
VERTEX p = tmp1[i];
p.z += 6; // 6 == 1 in view space.
tmp2[i].x = imuldiv(p.x, cx - i2f(0), p.z) + cx - (FRACCEIL >> 1);
tmp2[i].y = - imuldiv(p.y, cy - i2f(0), p.z) + cy - (FRACCEIL >> 1);
tmp2[i].z = j = fixinv(p.z);
tmp2[i].u = mulscale(p.u + surface->panningx, j, surface->repeatx + 18);
tmp2[i].v = mulscale(p.v + surface->panningy, j, surface->repeaty + 18);
tmp2[i].w = p.w;
ys[i] = fixceil(tmp2[i].y);
if (tmp2[i].y < y1) {y1 = tmp2[i].y; lt_i = rt_i = i;}
if (tmp2[i].y > y2) {y2 = tmp2[i].y;}
for (y1 = fixceil(y1), y2 = fixceil(y2); y1 < y2; y1++)
if (--lt_length <= 0)
i = lt_i;
if (--lt_i < 0) lt_i = n - 1;
while ((lt_length = ys[lt_i] - ys[i]) <= 0);
lt_xx = fixmul(tmp2[lt_i].x - tmp2[i].x, j = fixinv(tmp2[lt_i].y - tmp2[i].y));
lt_zz = fixmul(tmp2[lt_i].z - tmp2[i].z, j);
lt_uu = fixmul(tmp2[lt_i].u - tmp2[i].u, j);
lt_vv = fixmul(tmp2[lt_i].v - tmp2[i].v, j);
lt_ww = fixmul(tmp2[lt_i].w - tmp2[i].w, j);
lt_xx = fixdiv(tmp2[lt_i].x - tmp2[i].x, j = tmp2[lt_i].y - tmp2[i].y);
lt_zz = fixdiv(tmp2[lt_i].z - tmp2[i].z, j);
lt_uu = fixdiv(tmp2[lt_i].u - tmp2[i].u, j);
lt_vv = fixdiv(tmp2[lt_i].v - tmp2[i].v, j);
lt_ww = fixdiv(tmp2[lt_i].w - tmp2[i].w, j);
lt_x = tmp2[i].x + fixmul(lt_xx, j = i2f(ys[i]) - tmp2[i].y);
lt_z = tmp2[i].z + fixmul(lt_zz, j);
lt_u = tmp2[i].u + fixmul(lt_uu, j);
lt_v = tmp2[i].v + fixmul(lt_vv, j);
lt_w = tmp2[i].w + fixmul(lt_ww, j);
assert(y1 == ys[i]);
if (--rt_length <= 0)
i = rt_i;
if (++rt_i >= n) rt_i = 0;
while ((rt_length = ys[rt_i] - ys[i]) <= 0);
rt_xx = fixmul(tmp2[rt_i].x - tmp2[i].x, j = fixinv(tmp2[rt_i].y - tmp2[i].y));
rt_zz = fixmul(tmp2[rt_i].z - tmp2[i].z, j);
rt_uu = fixmul(tmp2[rt_i].u - tmp2[i].u, j);
rt_vv = fixmul(tmp2[rt_i].v - tmp2[i].v, j);
rt_ww = fixmul(tmp2[rt_i].w - tmp2[i].w, j);
rt_xx = fixdiv(tmp2[rt_i].x - tmp2[i].x, j = tmp2[rt_i].y - tmp2[i].y);
rt_zz = fixdiv(tmp2[rt_i].z - tmp2[i].z, j);
rt_uu = fixdiv(tmp2[rt_i].u - tmp2[i].u, j);
rt_vv = fixdiv(tmp2[rt_i].v - tmp2[i].v, j);
rt_ww = fixdiv(tmp2[rt_i].w - tmp2[i].w, j);
rt_x = tmp2[i].x + fixmul(rt_xx, j = i2f(ys[i]) - tmp2[i].y);
rt_z = tmp2[i].z + fixmul(rt_zz, j);
rt_u = tmp2[i].u + fixmul(rt_uu, j);
rt_v = tmp2[i].v + fixmul(rt_vv, j);
rt_w = tmp2[i].w + fixmul(rt_ww, j);
assert(y1 == ys[i]);
xx = fixceil(rt_x) - (x = fixceil(lt_x));
if (xx > 0)
BYTE* fb = &pic_bbuffer.scanlines.b[y1][x];
WORD* sb = &pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y1][x];
WORD* zb = &pic_zbuffer.scanlines.w[y1][x];
int zz = fixmul(rt_z - lt_z, j = fixinv(rt_x - lt_x));
int uu = fixmul(rt_u - lt_u, j);
int vv = fixmul(rt_v - lt_v, j);
int ww = fixmul(rt_w - lt_w, j);
int zz = fixdiv(rt_z - lt_z, j = rt_x - lt_x);
int uu = fixdiv(rt_u - lt_u, j);
int vv = fixdiv(rt_v - lt_v, j);
int ww = fixdiv(rt_w - lt_w, j);
int z = lt_z + fixmul(zz, j = i2f(x) - lt_x);
int u = lt_u + fixmul(uu, j);
int v = lt_v + fixmul(vv, j);
int w = lt_w + fixmul(ww, j);
int zz16 = zz << 4;
int uu16 = uu << 4;
int vv16 = vv << 4;
int ww16 = ww << 4;
#define INNER_LOOP \
int a = fixmul(u, j = fixinv(z)); \
int b = fixmul(v, j ); \
int aa = (fixmul(u += uu16, j = fixinv(z + zz16)) - a) >> 4; \
int bb = (fixmul(v += vv16, j ) - b) >> 4; \
int c = w, cc = ((w += ww16) - c) >> 4; \
for (; xx >= 16; xx -= 16) { \
fb += 16; zb += 16; sb += 16; \
aa = (fixmul(u += uu16, j = fixinv(z + zz16)) - a) >> 4; \
bb = (fixmul(v += vv16, j ) - b) >> 4; \
cc = ((w += ww16) - c) >> 4; \
} for (j = 0; j < xx; j++) {AFFINE(j)}
if (tb)
if (surface->flags & SURFACE_OPAQUE)
#undef AFFINE
#define AFFINE(I) if ((WORD)(z>>8) > zb[I]) {zb[I] = (z>>8); sb[I] = id; fb[I] = (*lb)[f2i(c)][blender[TEXEL66(tb,a,b)][fb[I]]];} z += zz; a += aa; b += bb; c += cc;
//#define AFFINE(I) if ((((int)&fb[I] ^ y1)&1) && (WORD)(z>>8) > zb[I]) {zb[I] = (z>>8); sb[I] = id; fb[I] = (*lb)[f2i(c)][TEXEL66(tb,a,b)];} z += zz; a += aa; b += bb; c += cc;
#undef AFFINE
#define AFFINE(I) if ((WORD)(z>>8) > zb[I]) {zb[I] = (z>>8); sb[I] = id; fb[I] = (*lb)[f2i(c)][TEXEL66(tb,a,b)];} z += zz; a += aa; b += bb; c += cc;
#undef AFFINE
#define AFFINE if ((z>>8) > *zb) {*zb = (z>>8); *sb = id; *fb = *sky;} sky++; zb++; fb++; sb++; z += zz;
int sky_pos = (x + (camera->rot.y >> 1) + (tick >> 1)) & 511;
int sky_lft = imin(512 - sky_pos, xx);
int sky_rht = xx - sky_lft;
BYTE* sky = &pic_sky.scanlines.b[y1][sky_pos];
while (sky_lft--) {AFFINE}
sky = &pic_sky.scanlines.b[y1][0];
while (sky_rht--) {AFFINE}
lt_x += lt_xx; lt_z += lt_zz; lt_u += lt_uu; lt_v += lt_vv; lt_w += lt_ww;
rt_x += rt_xx; rt_z += rt_zz; rt_u += rt_uu; rt_v += rt_vv; rt_w += rt_ww;
void gl_polygon_render(POLYGON polygon, int n, SURFACE* surface, int id, MATRIX matrix)
polygon_render(polygon, n, surface, id, pic_bbuffer.width, pic_bbuffer.height);
** name: wall_render_texture
** desc: render the polygons of a wall.
void wall_render_texture(int wid, MATRIX matrix)
POLYGON polygon;
if (walls[wid].visible)
if (walls[wid].port)
polygon[0] = walls[wid].poly[3]; //wall_polys[walls[wid].port][2];
polygon[1] = walls[wid].poly[2]; //wall_polys[walls[wid].port][3];
polygon[2] = walls[wid].poly[2];
polygon[3] = walls[wid].poly[3];
if (walls[walls[wid].port].poly[2].y > polygon[0].y)
polygon[0] = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[2];
polygon[0].u = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[3].u;
if (walls[walls[wid].port].poly[3].y > polygon[1].y)
polygon[1] = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[3];
polygon[1].u = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[2].u;
//poly_normal[0].u = wall_polys[walls[wid].port][3].u;
//poly_normal[1].u = wall_polys[walls[wid].port][2].u;
gl_polygon_render(polygon, 4, &walls[wid].surface, 0x0000 | wid, matrix);
polygon[0] = walls[wid].poly[0];
polygon[1] = walls[wid].poly[1];
polygon[2] = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[0];
polygon[3] = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[1];
polygon[2].u = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[1].u;
polygon[3].u = walls[walls[wid].port].poly[0].u;
gl_polygon_render(polygon, 4, &walls[wid].surface, 0x0000 | wid, matrix);
gl_polygon_render(walls[wid].poly, 4, &walls[wid].surface, 0x0000 | wid, matrix);
** name: sector_render
** desc: render all the components of a sector.
void sector_render(int sid, MATRIX matrix)
POLYGON polygon;
int first_wall = FIRST_WALL(sid), wid = first_wall;
do wall_render_texture(wid, matrix); while ((wid = NEXT_WALL(wid)) != first_wall);
if (sectors[sid].flags & SECTOR_RENDER_MIDDLE)
//gl_polygon_render(polygon, sector_extrude_mid(sid, polygon), &sectors[sid].mid, 0x3000 | sid, matrix);
gl_polygon_render(polygon, sector_extrude_floor (sid, polygon), &sectors[sid].bot, 0x1000 | sid, matrix);
gl_polygon_render(polygon, sector_extrude_ceiling(sid, polygon), &sectors[sid].top, 0x2000 | sid, matrix);
void sector_render_mid(int sid, MATRIX matrix)
if (sectors[sid].flags & SECTOR_RENDER_MIDDLE)
POLYGON polygon;
gl_polygon_render(polygon, sector_extrude_mid(sid, polygon), &sectors[sid].mid, 0x3000 | sid, matrix);
void object_render(int oid, MATRIX matrix)
POLYGON polygon;
int w = 500 << 6, h = 500 << 6;
object_local_space(&objects[oid], m);
matrix_multiply(m, m, matrix);
polygon[0].x = fixdot3(-w, m[0][0], h, m[0][1], 0, m[0][2]) + m[0][3];
polygon[0].y = fixdot3(-w, m[1][0], h, m[1][1], 0, m[1][2]) + m[1][3];
polygon[0].z = fixdot3(-w, m[2][0], h, m[2][1], 0, m[2][2]) + m[2][3];
polygon[0].u = 0;
polygon[0].v = 0;
polygon[1].x = fixdot3( w, m[0][0], h, m[0][1], 0, m[0][2]) + m[0][3];
polygon[1].y = fixdot3( w, m[1][0], h, m[1][1], 0, m[1][2]) + m[1][3];
polygon[1].z = fixdot3( w, m[2][0], h, m[2][1], 0, m[2][2]) + m[2][3];
polygon[1].u = i2f(1024);
polygon[1].v = 0;
polygon[2].x = fixdot3( w, m[0][0], -h, m[0][1], 0, m[0][2]) + m[0][3];
polygon[2].y = fixdot3( w, m[1][0], -h, m[1][1], 0, m[1][2]) + m[1][3];
polygon[2].z = fixdot3( w, m[2][0], -h, m[2][1], 0, m[2][2]) + m[2][3];
polygon[2].u = i2f(1024);
polygon[2].v = i2f(1024);
polygon[3].x = fixdot3(-w, m[0][0], -h, m[0][1], 0, m[0][2]) + m[0][3];
polygon[3].y = fixdot3(-w, m[1][0], -h, m[1][1], 0, m[1][2]) + m[1][3];
polygon[3].z = fixdot3(-w, m[2][0], -h, m[2][1], 0, m[2][2]) + m[2][3];
polygon[3].u = 0;
polygon[3].v = i2f(1024);
gl_polygon_render(polygon, 4, &objects[oid].front, 0x8000 | oid, matrix);
polygon[4] = polygon[3];
polygon[5] = polygon[2];
polygon[6] = polygon[1];
polygon[7] = polygon[0];
gl_polygon_render(&polygon[4], 4, &objects[oid].back, 0x9000 | oid, matrix);
void console_render(void)
int x, y;
for (y = pic_console.height; y--;)
for (x = pic_console.width; x--;)
int xx = x << 3, yy = y << 3;
int c = pic_console.scanlines.b[y][x] << 3;
picture_blit8(&pic_bbuffer, xx, yy, xx + 8, yy + 8, &pic_font, c, 0, c + 8, 8, PICTURE_MODE_COLORKEY);
void console_outtext(int x, int y, STRING text)
BYTE* p;
for (p = &pic_console.scanlines.b[y][x]; (*p++ = *text++) != 0;);
void render_view(OBJECT* camera)
int x, y;
// Clear the zbuffer.
if (camera->sid)
MATRIX matrix;
int i;
object_matrix(camera, matrix, pic_bbuffer.width, pic_bbuffer.height);
for (i = 0; i < sector_list_count; i++) sector_transform (sector_list[i], matrix);
for (i = 0; i < sector_list_count; i++) sector_render (sector_list[i], matrix);
for (i = 0; i < sector_list_count; i++) sector_render_mid(sector_list[i], matrix);
object_render(2, matrix);
mouse_read(&x, &y);
picture_draw8(&pic_bbuffer, &pic_arrow, x, y, PICTURE_MODE_COLORKEY);
// Copy view buffer to video memory.
picture_copy(&pic_fbuffer, &pic_bbuffer);
void show_logo(void)
PALLETE palette;
PICTURE pic_logo;
picture_load_from_file(&pic_logo, "images/logo.pcx", palette);
picture_draw8(&pic_fbuffer, &pic_logo, 0, 0, PICTURE_MODE_COPY);
while (!kbhit());
void engine_execute(void)
int i, x, y;
int floor_z, ceil_z, under;
int frame_count = 0;
picture_create(&pic_fbuffer, 320, 200, 8, 0, (void*) 0xA0000);
picture_create(&pic_bbuffer, 320, 200, 8, 0, 0);
picture_create(&pic_zbuffer, pic_fbuffer.width, pic_fbuffer.height, 16, 0, 0);
picture_create(&pic_stencil, pic_fbuffer.width, pic_fbuffer.height, 16, 0, 0);
picture_create(&pic_console, 40, 10, 8, 0, 0);
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
x = RGB_BRIGHTNESS(palette[i][0],palette[i][1],palette[i][2]);
view.palette[i][0] = imin(pow(palette[i][0] / 255.0, 64.0 / 64) * 255.0, 255);
view.palette[i][1] = imin(pow(palette[i][1] / 255.0, 64.0 / 64) * 255.0, 255);
view.palette[i][2] = imin(pow(palette[i][2] / 255.0, 64.0 / 64) * 255.0, 255);
view.palette[i][0] = imin(imuldiv(palette[i][0], 128, 255), 255);
view.palette[i][1] = imin(imuldiv(palette[i][1], 128, 255), 255);
view.palette[i][2] = imin(imuldiv(palette[i][2], 255, 255), 255);
thing->sid = 0;
thing->x = -900;
thing->y = 2000;
thing->z = 200;
thing->front.texture = 124;
//thing->front.flags |= SURFACE_OPAQUE;
thing->back.texture = 10;
//thing->back.flags |= SURFACE_OPAQUE;
camera->sid = 0;
camera->z = WORLD_UNIT * 4;
for (tick = timer;;)
picture_luquid_effect8(&textures[41], &textures[42], tick);
picture_luquid_effect8(&textures[43], &textures[44], tick);
picture_blend8(&textures[113], &textures[41], &textures[15], blender);
picture_blend8(&textures[114], &textures[41], &textures[64], blender);
mouse_read(&x, &y);
sprintf(sbuf, "Key:%3d X:%4d Y:%4d Z:%4d SID:%d",
console_outtext(0, 0, sbuf);
sector_z(camera->sid, camera->x, camera->y, &floor_z, &ceil_z, 0);
sprintf(sbuf, "%d %d FPS: %d", floor_z, ceil_z, imuldiv(frame_count++, 120, timer + 1));
console_outtext(0, 1, sbuf);
for (; tick < timer; tick++)
camera->zz -= fl2f(0.4); // Gravity
thing->rot.y += 2;
sector_z(camera->sid, camera->x, camera->y, &floor_z, &ceil_z, 0);
under = ((camera->z - 300) << 6) - floor_z;
if (under < 0)
camera->xx -= camera->xx / 18;
camera->yy -= camera->yy / 18;
camera->zz -= camera->zz / 18;
camera->zz -= under * 8;
camera->zz &= 0xFFFFF000;
camera->xx += imuldiv(fixsin(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
camera->yy += imuldiv(fixcos(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
camera->xx -= imuldiv(fixsin(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
camera->yy -= imuldiv(fixcos(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
if (KEY_DOWN(51))
camera->xx -= imuldiv(fixcos(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
camera->yy += imuldiv(fixsin(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
if (KEY_DOWN(52))
camera->xx += imuldiv(fixcos(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
camera->yy -= imuldiv(fixsin(camera->rot.y), 6, 8);
if (KEY_PRESSED(57)) // Jump
camera->zz += fl2f(15);
if (KEY_DOWN(46)) // Crouch
camera->zz -= fl2f(0.7);
if (KEY_PRESSED(88)) picture_save_to_file(&pic_bbuffer, "screen.pcx", view.palette);
if (KEY_DOWN(30) && camera->rot.x < 320) camera->rot.x += 7;
if (KEY_DOWN(44) && camera->rot.x > -320) camera->rot.x -= 7;
if (KEY_DOWN(KB_RTARROW)) camera->rot.y += 7;
if (KEY_DOWN(KB_LTARROW)) camera->rot.y -= 7;
if (KEY_DOWN(KB_ESC)) goto stop_game;
#define SURFACE_EDIT(VAR,SUR,A) (clipboard.VAR = (SUR.VAR = KEY_DOWN(KB_CTRL) ? clipboard.VAR : SUR.VAR + (KEY_DOWN(KB_LTSHIFT) ? -(A) : (A))))
if (KEY_PRESSED(24)) // Opacity
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 3) sectors[id].mid .flags ^= SURFACE_OPAQUE;
if ((code >> 12) == 8) objects[id].front.flags ^= SURFACE_OPAQUE;
if ((code >> 12) == 9) objects[id].back .flags ^= SURFACE_OPAQUE;
if (KEY_PRESSED(20)) // Texture
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 0) SURFACE_EDIT(texture, walls [id].surface, 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(texture, sectors[id].bot , 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(texture, sectors[id].top , 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 3) SURFACE_EDIT(texture, sectors[id].mid , 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 8) SURFACE_EDIT(texture, objects[id].front , 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 9) SURFACE_EDIT(texture, objects[id].back , 1);
if (KEY_PRESSED(45)) // X Repeat
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 0) SURFACE_EDIT(repeatx, walls [id].surface, 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(repeatx, sectors[id].bot , 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(repeatx, sectors[id].top , 1);
if (KEY_PRESSED(21)) // Y Repeat
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 0) SURFACE_EDIT(repeaty, walls [id].surface, 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(repeaty, sectors[id].bot , 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(repeaty, sectors[id].top , 1);
if (KEY_PRESSED(35)) // X Panning
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 0) SURFACE_EDIT(panningx, walls [id].surface, i2f(16));
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(panningx, sectors[id].bot , i2f(16));
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(panningx, sectors[id].top , i2f(16));
if (KEY_PRESSED(47)) // Y Panning
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 0) SURFACE_EDIT(panningy, walls [id].surface, i2f(16));
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(panningy, sectors[id].bot , i2f(16));
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(panningy, sectors[id].top , i2f(16));
if (KEY_PRESSED(38)) // Light (Brightness)
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 0) SURFACE_EDIT(light, walls [id].surface, 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(light, sectors[id].bot , 1);
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(light, sectors[id].top , 1);
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 1) sectors[id].bot.slopex += 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 2) sectors[id].top.slopex += 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 3) sectors[id].mid.slopex += 4;
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 1) sectors[id].bot.slopex -= 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 2) sectors[id].top.slopex -= 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 3) sectors[id].mid.slopex -= 4;
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 1) sectors[id].bot.slopey += 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 2) sectors[id].top.slopey += 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 3) sectors[id].mid.slopey += 4;
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 1) sectors[id].bot.slopey -= 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 2) sectors[id].top.slopey -= 4;
if ((code >> 12) == 3) sectors[id].mid.slopey -= 4;
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(slopez, sectors[id].bot, -WORLD_UNIT);
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(slopez, sectors[id].top, -WORLD_UNIT);
if ((code >> 12) == 3) SURFACE_EDIT(slopez, sectors[id].mid, -WORLD_UNIT);
WORD code = pic_stencil.scanlines.w[y][x], id = code & 0xFFF;
if ((code >> 12) == 1) SURFACE_EDIT(slopez, sectors[id].bot, WORLD_UNIT);
if ((code >> 12) == 2) SURFACE_EDIT(slopez, sectors[id].top, WORLD_UNIT);
if ((code >> 12) == 3) SURFACE_EDIT(slopez, sectors[id].mid, WORLD_UNIT);
if (KEY_PRESSED(50))
sectors[camera->sid].flags ^= SECTOR_RENDER_MIDDLE;
memcpy(keyprev, keydown, sizeof(keyprev));
void engine_create(void)
int i;
say("AlienKinetics 3D Engine [DOS] - Copyright (C) 2001-2002 AlienKinetics");
say("Installing mouse driver.");
say("Allocating offscreen buffers.");
picture_load_from_file(&pic_font , "images/font8x8.pcx", palette);
picture_load_from_file(&pic_sky , "images/sky.pcx" , palette);
picture_load_from_file(&pic_arrow, "images/arrow.pcx" , palette);
picture_load_from_file(&pic_lens , "images/lens.pcx" , palette);
say("Loading textures.");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURE; i++)
sprintf(sbuf, "textures/%d.pcx", i);
picture_load_from_file(&textures[i], sbuf, palette);
if (i == 0) tables_create();
void main(void)
freopen("stderr.txt", "w", stderr);
freopen("stdout.txt", "w", stdout);
view.width = 640;
view.height = 480;
view.zoom = 1;
view.zoom_div = WORLD_UNIT;
view.grid = WORLD_UNIT * 8;
for (;;)
if (view.key == 'q') break;
if (view.key == 13)
if (view.key == 'q') break;