2022-05-04 18:14:23 -07:00

413 lines
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;; Copyright (c) 1992,1993-1995 Argonaut Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.
;; $Id: vesaapi.asm 1.2 1995/06/30 15:42:25 sam Exp $
;; $Locker: $
;; VESA Interrupt API
.model flat,c
db '$Id: vesaapi.asm 1.2 1995/06/30 15:42:25 sam Exp $',0
align 4
extern _RealSegment0000:word
real_off dw 0
real_seg dw 0
prot_ptr df 0
BLOCK_SIZE equ 256 ; Size of info blocks
MODE_MAX equ 128 ; Maximum number of modes to copy
MODE_PTR equ 14 ; Offset of video mode ptr in info block
; Parameters to Pharlap INT 21, 2511
real_registers struct
inum word 0
rds word 0
res word 0
rfs word 0
rgs word 0
reax dword 0
redx dword 0
real_registers ends
ifdef __DPMI__
real_regs dpmi_registers <,>
real_regs real_registers <,>
extern _RealSegmentsSetup:proc
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESABegin(void);
; Allocate communications buffer
_VESABegin proc uses ebx esi edi es
call _RealSegmentsSetup
ifdef __DPMI__
; Allocate DOS memory via DPMI
mov eax,0100h
mov ebx,BLOCK_SIZE/16
int 31h
jc failed
mov real_seg,ax
mov word ptr prot_ptr+4,dx
xor eax,eax
mov real_off,ax
mov dword ptr prot_ptr,eax
elseifdef __PHARLAP386__
; Pharlap - Use DOS comms. buffer
mov eax,02517h
int 21h
cmp edx,BLOCK_SIZE
jl failed
mov dword ptr real_off,ecx
mov dword ptr prot_ptr,ebx
mov word ptr prot_ptr+4,es
elseifdef __X32__
; X32-VM - Use DOS comms. buffer
mov eax,0250Dh
int 21h
cmp ecx,BLOCK_SIZE
jl failed
mov dword ptr real_off,ebx
mov dword ptr prot_ptr,edx
mov word ptr prot_ptr+4,es
xor eax,eax
mov eax,1
_VESABegin endp
; void BR_ASM_CALL _VESAEnd(void);
; Release buffer and tidy up
_VESAEnd proc uses ebx esi edi
ifdef __DPMI__
; Allocate DOS memory via DPMI
mov eax,0101h
movzx edx,word ptr prot_ptr+4
int 31h
_VESAEnd endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAInfo(struct vesa_info *vip, br_uint_16 *modes);
; Read the general mode info and mode list
_VESAInfo proc uses ebx esi edi es, vip: ptr byte, modes:ptr word
push ebp
ifdef __DPMI__
; Use DPMI to call real mode interrupt
mov real_regs.reax,04f00h
xor eax,eax
mov ax,real_off
mov real_regs.redi,eax
mov ax,real_seg
mov real_regs.rds,ax
mov real_regs.res,ax
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov edi,offset real_regs
mov eax,300h
mov ebx,10h
xor ecx,ecx
int 31h
cmp word ptr real_regs.reax,0004fh
jne failed
; Use Pharlap/X32 to call real mode
mov real_regs.inum,010h
mov real_regs.reax,04f00h
mov ax,real_seg
mov real_regs.res,ax
movzx edi,real_off
mov eax,02511h
mov edx,offset real_regs
int 21h
cmp ax,0004fh
jne failed
pop ebp
; Copy parameter block into callers structure
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov edi,vip
push ds
lds esi,prot_ptr
mov ebx,[esi+MODE_PTR]
mov ecx,BLOCK_SIZE/4
rep movsd
pop ds
; Copy modes into callers array
mov edi,modes
ifdef __DPMI__
mov esi,ebx
shr ebx,16
mov eax,0002h
int 31h
jc failed
mov es,ax
and esi,0ffffh
; Get selector of real memeory
mov es,_RealSegment0000
; Convert real seg:off to physical address
mov esi,ebx
shr ebx,16
shl ebx,4
and esi,0ffffh
add esi,ebx
mov ecx,MODE_MAX
mov ax,es:[esi]
mov [edi],ax
add esi,2
add edi,2
cmp ax,0ffffh
loopne mode_loop
xor eax,eax
failed: mov eax,1
pop ebp
_VESAInfo endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAModeInfo(struct vesa_modeinfo *vmip, br_uint_32 mode);
; Read mode specific information
_VESAModeInfo proc uses ebx esi edi es, vmip: ptr byte, mode:dword
push ebp
mov ecx,mode
ifdef __DPMI__
; Use DPMI to call real mode interrupt
mov real_regs.reax,04f01h
mov real_regs.recx,ecx
xor eax,eax
mov ax,real_off
mov real_regs.redi,eax
mov ax,real_seg
mov real_regs.rds,ax
mov real_regs.res,ax
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov edi,offset real_regs
mov eax,300h
mov ebx,10h
xor ecx,ecx
int 31h
cmp word ptr real_regs.reax,0004fh
jne failed
; Use Pharlap/X32 to call real mode
mov real_regs.inum,010h
mov real_regs.reax,04f01h
mov ax,real_seg
mov real_regs.res,ax
movzx edi,real_off
mov eax,02511h
mov edx,offset real_regs
int 21h
cmp ax,0004fh
jne failed
pop ebp
; Copy parameter block into callers structure
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov edi,vmip
push ds
lds esi,prot_ptr
mov ebx,[esi+MODE_PTR]
mov ecx,BLOCK_SIZE/4
rep movsd
pop ds
xor eax,eax
failed: mov eax,1
_VESAModeInfo endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAModeSet(br_uint_32 mode);
; Set the current mode
_VESAModeSet proc uses ebx esi edi, mode:dword
mov eax,04f02h
mov ebx,mode
int 10h
return_status label near
cmp ax,4fh
je ok
mov eax,1
ok: xor eax,eax
_VESAModeSet endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAModeGet(br_uint_16 *mode);
; Return the current mode
_VESAModeGet proc uses ebx esi edi, mode:ptr word
mov eax,04f03h
int 10h
mov esi,mode
mov [esi],bx
jmp return_status
_VESAModeGet endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAScanlineLengthSet(br_uint_32 width, br_uint_16 * bytes, br_uint_16 * pixels, br_uint_16 * scanlines);
; Set the current scanline length
_VESAScanlineLengthSet proc uses ebx esi edi, pwidth:dword, bytes:ptr word, pixels:ptr word , scanlines: ptr word
mov eax,4f06h
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,pwidth
int 10h
mov esi,bytes
mov [esi],bx
mov esi,pixels
mov [esi],cx
mov esi,scanlines
mov [esi],dx
jmp return_status
_VESAScanlineLengthSet endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAScanlineLengthGet(br_uint_16 * bytes, br_uint_16 * pixels, br_uint_16 * scanlines);
; Return the current scanline length
_VESAScanlineLengthGet proc uses ebx esi edi, bytes:ptr word, pixels:ptr word , scanlines: ptr word
mov eax,4f06h
mov ebx,1
int 10h
mov esi,bytes
mov [esi],bx
mov esi,pixels
mov [esi],cx
mov esi,scanlines
mov [esi],dx
jmp return_status
_VESAScanlineLengthGet endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESADisplayStartSet(br_uint_32 x, br_uint_32 y);
; Set the current display start
_VESADisplayStartSet proc uses ebx esi edi, px:dword, py:dword
mov eax,4f07h
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,px
mov edx,py
int 10h
jmp return_status
_VESADisplayStartSet endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESADisplayStartGet(br_uint_32 *px, br_uint_32 *py);
; Return the display start x,y
_VESADisplayStartGet proc uses ebx esi edi, px:ptr word, py:ptr byte
mov eax,4f07h
mov ebx,1
int 10h
mov esi,px
mov [esi],cx
mov esi,py
mov [esi],dx
jmp return_status
_VESADisplayStartGet endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAWindowSet(br_uint_32 window, br_uint_32 position);
; Set the current window position
_VESAWindowSet proc uses ebx esi edi, window:dword, position:dword
mov eax,4f05h
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte ptr window
mov edx,position
int 10h
jmp return_status
_VESAWindowSet endp
; int BR_ASM_CALL _VESAWindowGet(br_uint_32 window, br_uint_32 *position);
; Get the current window position
_VESAWindowGet proc uses ebx esi edi, window:dword, position:ptr byte
mov eax,4f05h
mov ebx,0100h
mov bl,byte ptr window
int 10h
mov esi,position
mov [esi],dx
jmp return_status
_VESAWindowGet endp