2022-05-04 18:14:23 -07:00

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;; Copyright (c) 1992,1993-1995 Argonaut Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.
;; $Id: realsupt.asm 1.3 1995/09/07 15:19:42 sam Exp $
;; $Locker: sam $
;; Support routines for digging around with real mode and interrupts
.model flat,c
; Structure for describing a block of real mode memory
dosio_real_memory struc
pm_off dword ?
pm_seg word ?
rm_off word ?
rm_seg word ?
dosio_real_memory ends
; Registers structure from C
br_regs struc
r_eax dword ?
r_ebx dword ?
r_ecx dword ?
r_edx dword ?
r_esi dword ?
r_edi dword ?
r_cflag dword ?
r_eflags dword ?
br_regs ends
br_sregs struc
s_es word ?
s_cs word ?
s_ss word ?
s_ds word ?
br_sregs ends
pl_registers struc
interrupt word ?
rds word ?
res word ?
rfs word ?
rgs word ?
reax dword ?
redx dword ?
pl_registers ends
db '$Id: realsupt.asm 1.3 1995/09/07 15:19:42 sam Exp $',0
align 4
; br_uint_32 BR_ASM_CALL _RealAllocate(dosio_real_memory *mem, br_uint_32 size);
_RealAllocate proc uses ebx ecx, drm: ptr dosio_real_memory, msize:dword
mov ebx,msize
add ebx,15
shr ebx,4
ifdef __DPMI__
mov eax,0100h ; Allocate DOS Memory
int 031h ; DPMI
jc error
mov ebx,drm
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.rm_seg,ax
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg,dx
xor eax,eax
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.pm_off,eax
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.rm_off,ax
elseifdef __PHARLAP386__
mov eax,25C0h ; Allocate Real Memory
int 021h
jc error
mov ebx,drm
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.rm_seg,ax
shl eax,4
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.pm_off,eax
mov ax,cs ; Get RPL from CS
and ax,3
or ax,034h ; OR into hardwired LDT selector
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg,ax
xor eax,eax
mov [ebx].dosio_real_memory.rm_off,ax
elseifdef __X32__
mov eax,4800h ; Allocate Real Memory
int 021h
jc error
mov ecx,drm
mov [ecx].dosio_real_memory.rm_seg,ax
xor ebx,ebx
mov [ecx].dosio_real_memory.rm_off,bx
if 0
mov [ecx].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg,ds
mov [ecx].dosio_real_memory.pm_off,ebx
mov bx,_x386_zero_base_selector
mov [ecx].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg,bx
shl eax,4
mov [ecx].dosio_real_memory.pm_off,eax
xor eax,eax
mov eax,1
_RealAllocate endp
; void BR_ASM_CALL _RealFree(dosio_real_memory *mem);
_RealFree proc uses ebx, drm: ptr dosio_real_memory
ifdef __DPMI__
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,drm
mov dx,[ebx].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg
mov eax,0101h ; Free DOS Memory
int 31h ; DPMI
elseifdef __PHARLAP386__
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,drm
mov cx,[ebx].dosio_real_memory.rm_seg
mov eax,25C1h
int 21h
elseifdef __X32__
; X-32 cannot release real-mode memeory!
_RealFree endp
; void BR_ASM_CALL _RealLock(dosio_real_memory *mem, br_uint_32 size);
_RealLock proc uses ebx, drm: ptr dosio_real_memory, msize: dword
ifdef __DPMI__
mov eax,drm
mov bx,word ptr [eax].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg
mov eax,0006h ; Get Segment Base Address
int 31h ; DPMI
; cx:dx
mov bx,cx
mov cx,dx
mov edi,msize
mov esi,edi
shr edi,16
mov eax,0600h ; Lock region
int 31h ; DPMI
elseifdef __PHARLAP386__
mov eax,drm
mov bx,word ptr [eax].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg
mov eax,2508h ; Get segment base
int 21h
mov eax,drm
mov ebx,0500h
mov edx,msize
mov eax,252Bh ; Lock region
int 21h
elseifdef __X32__
mov eax,drm
mov bx,word ptr [eax].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg
mov eax,2508h ; Get segment base
int 21h
mov eax,drm
mov ebx,0500h
mov edx,msize
mov eax,252Bh ; Lock region
int 21h
_RealLock endp
; void BR_ASM_CALL _RealUnlock(dosio_real_memory *mem, br_uint_32 size);
_RealUnlock proc uses ebx, drm: ptr dosio_real_memory, msize: dword
ifdef __DPMI__
mov eax,drm
mov bx,word ptr [eax].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg
mov eax,0006h ; Get Segment Base Address
int 31h ; DPMI
; cx:dx
mov bx,cx
mov cx,dx
mov edi,msize
mov esi,edi
shr edi,16
xor edx,edx
mov eax,0601h ; Unlock region
int 31h ; DPMI
elseifdef __PHARLAP386__
mov eax,drm
mov bx,word ptr [eax].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg
mov eax,2508h ; Get segment base
int 21h
mov ebx,0600h
mov edx,msize
mov eax,252Bh ; Unlock region
int 21h
elseifdef __X32__
mov eax,drm
mov bx,word ptr [eax].dosio_real_memory.pm_seg
mov eax,3504h ; Get segment base
int 21h
mov ebx,0600h
mov edx,msize
mov eax,252Bh ; Unlock region
int 21h
_RealUnlock endp
if 1
; void BR_ASM_CALL _RealVectorGet(br_uint_8 vector, br_uint_16 *vsegp, br_uint_16 *voffp);
_RealVectorGet proc uses ebx, vector: dword, vsegp:ptr word, voffp:ptr word
ifdef __DPMI__
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte ptr vector
mov eax,0200h ; Get Real Mode Interrupt Vector
int 31h ; DPMI
mov ebx,vsegp
mov [ebx],cx
mov ebx,voffp
mov [ebx],dx
else ; PHARLAP or X-32
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte ptr vector
mov eax,2503h ; Get Real Mode Interrupt Vector
int 21h
mov eax,voffp
mov [eax],bx
shr ebx,16
mov eax,vsegp
mov [eax],bx
_RealVectorGet endp
; void BR_ASM_CALL _RealVectorSet(br_uint_8 vector, br_uint_16 vseg, br_uint_16 voff);
_RealVectorSet proc uses ebx, vector: dword, vseg:dword, voff:dword
ifdef __DPMI__
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte ptr vector
mov cx,word ptr vseg
mov dx,word ptr voff
mov eax,0201h ; Set Real Mode Interrupt Vector
int 31h ; DPMI
else ; PHARLAP or X-32
mov cl,byte ptr vector
mov bx,word ptr vseg
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word ptr voff
mov eax,02505h ; Set Real Mode Interrupt Vector
int 21h
_RealVectorSet endp
; void BR_ASM_CALL _RealVectorCall(br_uint_8 vector, union BR_REGS *ri, union BR_REGS *ro, struct BR_SREGS *sr);
; Invokes an interrupt in real mode
_RealVectorCall proc uses ebx edi es, vec:dword, regs_in: ptr br_regs, regs_out: ptr br_regs, sregs: ptr br_sregs
ifdef __DPMI__
; Transcribe input registers
mov eax,regs_in
mov ebx,[eax].br_regs.r_edi
mov real_regs.redi,ebx
mov ebx,[eax].br_regs.r_esi
mov real_regs.resi,ebx
mov ebx,[eax].br_regs.r_edx
mov real_regs.redx,ebx
mov ebx,[eax].br_regs.r_ecx
mov real_regs.recx,ebx
mov ebx,[eax].br_regs.r_ebx
mov real_regs.rebx,ebx
mov ebx,[eax].br_regs.r_eax
mov real_regs.reax,ebx
mov eax,sregs
mov bx,[eax].br_sregs.s_cs
mov real_regs.rcs,bx
mov bx,[eax].br_sregs.s_ds
mov real_regs.rds,bx
mov bx,[eax].br_sregs.s_es
mov real_regs.res,bx
; NULL stack pointer
xor bx,bx
mov real_regs.rss,bx
mov real_regs.rsp,bx
; Use DPMI to call vector
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl, byte ptr vec
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov edi,offset real_regs
xor ecx,ecx
mov eax,300h ; Simulate Real Mode Interrupt
int 31h ; DPMI
; Transcribe output registers
mov eax,regs_out
mov ebx,real_regs.redi
mov [eax].br_regs.r_edi,ebx
mov ebx,real_regs.resi
mov [eax].br_regs.r_esi,ebx
mov ebx,real_regs.redx
mov [eax].br_regs.r_edx,ebx
mov ebx,real_regs.recx
mov [eax].br_regs.r_ecx,ebx
mov ebx,real_regs.rebx
mov [eax].br_regs.r_ebx,ebx
mov ebx,real_regs.reax
mov [eax].br_regs.r_eax,ebx
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,real_regs.rflags
mov [eax].br_regs.r_eflags,ebx
and ebx,1
mov [eax].br_regs.r_cflag,ebx
mov eax,sregs
mov bx,real_regs.rcs
mov [eax].br_sregs.s_cs,bx
mov bx,real_regs.rds
mov [eax].br_sregs.s_ds,bx
mov bx,real_regs.res
mov [eax].br_sregs.s_es,bx
xor bx,bx
mov [eax].br_sregs.s_ss,bx
; XXX Flags
else ; PHARLAP or X-32
; Transcribe input registers
mov edx,regs_in
mov edi,[edx].br_regs.r_edi
mov esi,[edx].br_regs.r_esi
mov ecx,[edx].br_regs.r_ecx
mov ebx,[edx].br_regs.r_ebx
mov eax,[edx].br_regs.r_eax
mov real_regs.reax,eax
mov eax,[edx].br_regs.r_edx
mov real_regs.redx,eax
mov edx,sregs
mov ax,[edx].br_sregs.s_ds
mov real_regs.rds,ax
mov ax,[edx].br_sregs.s_es
mov real_regs.res,ax
mov bx, word ptr vec
mov real_regs.interrupt,bx
push ebp
mov eax,2511h
mov edx,offset real_regs
int 21h
pop ebp
mov edx,regs_out
xor eax,eax
pop ax
mov [edx].br_regs.r_eflags,eax
and eax,1
mov [edx].br_regs.r_cflag,eax
mov [edx].br_regs.r_edi,edi
mov [edx].br_regs.r_esi,esi
mov [edx].br_regs.r_ecx,ecx
mov [edx].br_regs.r_ebx,ebx
mov eax,real_regs.reax
mov [edx].br_regs.r_eax,eax
mov eax,real_regs.redx
mov [edx].br_regs.r_edx,eax
mov edx,sregs
mov ax,real_regs.rds
mov [edx].br_sregs.s_ds,ax
mov ax,real_regs.res
mov [edx].br_sregs.s_es,ax
_RealVectorCall endp
; void _RealSegmentsSetup(void);
; Create a public selector to the real mode 1M in _real_segment
public _RealSegmentsSetup
_RealSegmentsSetup proc uses ebx
cmp segs_setup,0
jne done
ifdef __DPMI__
; Use DPMI services to create descriptors
; 0000
mov eax,2
mov ebx,00000h
int 31h
mov _RealSegment0000,ax
; A000
mov eax,2
mov ebx,0A000h
int 31h
mov _RealSegmentA000,ax
elseifdef __PHARLAP386__
mov ax,cs ; Get RPL from CS
and ax,3
or ax,034h ; OR into hardwired LDT selector
mov _RealSegment0000,ax
elseifdef __X32__
mov ax,_x386_zero_base_selector
mov _RealSegment0000,ax
mov segs_setup,1
_RealSegmentsSetup endp
public _RealSegment0000
public _RealSegmentA000
_RealSegment0000 dw 0
_RealSegmentA000 dw 0
segs_setup dw 0
ifdef __DPMI__
real_regs dpmi_registers <,>
real_regs pl_registers <,>
ifdef __X32__
extrn _x386_zero_base_selector:word