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;; Copyright (c) 1992,1994,1995 Argonaut Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.
;; $Id: rectops.asm 1.3 1995/02/22 21:57:00 sam Exp $
;; $Locker: $
;; Some special case routines for supporting rectangles in pixelmaps
;; Clear rectangle to value
;; Copy a rectangle bwteewen two pixelmaps of the same geometry
.model flat,c
db '$Id: rectops.asm 1.3 1995/02/22 21:57:00 sam Exp $',0
align 4
; Pixelmap structure - coresponds to inc/pixelmap.h
BR_PMT_INDEX_1 equ 0
BR_PMT_INDEX_2 equ 1
BR_PMT_INDEX_4 equ 2
BR_PMT_INDEX_8 equ 3
BR_PMT_RGB_555 equ 4
BR_PMT_RGB_565 equ 5
BR_PMT_RGB_888 equ 6
BR_PMT_RGBX_888 equ 7
BR_PMT_RGBA_8888 equ 8
BR_PMT_YUYV_8888 equ 9
BR_PMT_YUV_888 equ 10
BR_PMT_DEPTH_16 equ 11
BR_PMT_DEPTH_32 equ 12
BR_PMT_ALPHA_8 equ 13
br_pixelmap struct 4
identifier dword ?
pixels dword ?
qualifier dword ?
map dword ?
row_bytes word ?
_type byte ?
flags byte ?
base_x word ?
base_y word ?
_width word ?
height word ?
origin_x word ?
origin_y word ?
br_pixelmap ends
; Table of shift values to convert pixels to bits
pixel_type_shift label byte
; Shift Bits pp
db 0 ; 1 BR_PMT_INDEX_1
db 1 ; 2 BR_PMT_INDEX_2
db 2 ; 4 BR_PMT_INDEX_4
db 3 ; 8 BR_PMT_INDEX_8
db 4 ; 16 BR_PMT_RGB_555
db 4 ; 16 BR_PMT_RGB_565
db 5 ; 24 BR_PMT_RGB_888
db 5 ; 32 BR_PMT_RGBX_888
db 5 ; 32 BR_PMT_RGBA_8888
db 4 ; 16 BR_PMT_YUYV_8888
db 5 ; 32 BR_PMT_YUV_888
db 4 ; 16 BR_PMT_DEPTH_16
db 5 ; 32 BR_PMT_DEPTH_32
db 3 ; 8 BR_PMT_ALPHA_8
; void BR_ASM_CALL GfxRectangleClear(br_pixelmap *dest,
; br_uint_16 x0, br_uint_16 y0,
; br_uint_16 x1, br_uint_16 y1,
; br_uint_32 pvalue);
; Clears the rectangle between (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) inclusive to the given pixel value
; 'pvalue' should have the required pixel value replicated up to 32 bits
; The touched rectangle may be extended to aligned boundaries
GfxRectangleClear proc uses ebx esi edi es ,
dest : ptr br_pixelmap,
x0 : dword, y0 : dword,
x1 : dword, y1 : dword,
pvalue : dword
; Get dest pixelmap ptr
mov esi,dest
; Work out start aligned to next .le. dword
xor eax,eax
mov al,[esi].br_pixelmap._type
mov cl,pixel_type_shift[eax]
mov edi,x0
mov ebx,x1
inc ebx
shl edi,cl ; X end as bit offset
shl ebx,cl ; X end as bit offset
add ebx,31 ; Align to dword
shr edi,5 ; convert to dword offset
shr ebx,5
; Work out dword count
sub ebx,edi
; Work out destination pointer
movsx ecx,[esi].br_pixelmap.row_bytes
mov eax,y0
imul ecx
lea edi,[eax+edi*4]
add edi,[esi].br_pixelmap.pixels
; Work out modulo
mov eax,ebx
shl eax,2
sub ecx,eax
mov esi,ecx
; Work out row count
mov edx,y1
sub edx,y0
; Clear scanlines
; mov ax,ds
; mov es,ax
mov eax,pvalue
row_loop: mov ecx,ebx ; Row width in dwords
if 1
rep stosd
jecxz wloop_done
xor [edi],eax
add edi,4
dec ecx
jne word_loop
add edi,esi ; Move to next row
dec edx
jns row_loop
GfxRectangleClear endp
; void BR_ASM_CALL GfxRectangleTransfer(br_pixelmap *dest,
; br_uint_16 x0, br_uint_16 y0,
; br_uint_16 x1, br_uint_16 y1,
; br_pixlmap *src);
; Transfers the rectangle between (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) inclusive from src to dest
; Src and dest pixelmaps must be of of the same type and geometry.
; The touched rectangle may be extended to aligned boundaries
GfxRectangleTransfer proc uses ebx esi edi es ,
dest : ptr br_pixelmap,
x0 : dword, y0 : dword,
x1 : dword, y1 : dword,
src : ptr br_pixelmap
; Get source pixelmap ptr
mov esi,src
; Work out start aligned to next .le. dword
xor eax,eax
mov al,[esi].br_pixelmap._type
mov cl,pixel_type_shift[eax]
mov edi,x0
mov ebx,x1
inc ebx
shl edi,cl ; X end as bit offset
shl ebx,cl ; X end as bit offset
add ebx,31 ; Align to dword
shr edi,5 ; convert to dword offset
shr ebx,5
; Work out dword count
sub ebx,edi
; Work out source and destination pointers
movsx ecx,[esi].br_pixelmap.row_bytes
mov eax,y0
imul ecx
lea eax,[eax+edi*4]
mov edi,dest
mov esi,[esi].br_pixelmap.pixels
mov edi,[edi].br_pixelmap.pixels
add esi,eax
add edi,eax
; Work out modulo
mov eax,ebx
shl eax,2
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,ecx
; Work out row count
mov edx,y1
sub edx,y0
; Copy scanlines
; mov cx,ds
; mov es,cx
row_loop: mov ecx,ebx ; Row width in dwords
if 1
rep movsd
jecxz wloop_done
push eax
mov eax,[esi]
xor eax,055555555h
mov [edi],eax
add esi,4
add edi,4
dec ecx
jne word_loop
pop eax
add esi,eax
add edi,eax ; Move to next row
dec edx
jns row_loop
GfxRectangleTransfer endp