2022-05-03 14:31:40 -07:00

713 lines
15 KiB

;; Triangle rasterise loop Z, RGB, Small, MMX
;; XXX Could try to have two seperate loops, one for long scan lines, and one for 1 word lines.
;; and ping-pong between them. The 1 word loop does not need to keep memory copies of RGB, Z and scanline pointers
; Select a bunch of instructions based on the direction that we are going
ifidni direction,<lr>
D_PADDW macro _arg0,_arg1
paddw _arg0,_arg1
D_PADDD macro _arg0,_arg1
paddd _arg0,_arg1
J_EMPTY macro lab
jg lab
J_EMPTY_2 macro lab
jns lab
START_MASKS equ left_masks
END_MASKS equ right_masks
ifidni direction,<rl>
D_PADDW macro _arg0,_arg1
psubw _arg0,_arg1
D_PADDD macro _arg0,_arg1
psubd _arg0,_arg1
J_EMPTY macro lab
jl lab
J_EMPTY_2 macro lab
js lab
START_MASKS equ right_masks
END_MASKS equ left_masks
;; Unpack Z parameter
UNPACK_PARAM_16 PARAM.s_z,PARAM.d_z_x, WORK.z0, WORK.d_z_y1, WORK.d_z_y0, WORK.d_z_x
;; Setup for first iteration of loop and generate pointers to starting scanline
movd mm6,WORK.h.start_scanline
movq mm5,WORK.h.screen_stride
punpckldq mm6,mm6
mov eax,WORK.h.xm
pmaddwd mm6,mm5
sar eax,16 ; Get integer part of X start
mov ebx,WORK.h.x1
sar ebx,16 ; Get integer part of X end
mov ebp,offset scanline_mask
paddd mm6,WORK.h.screen_address
xor edi,edi
mov ecx,WORK.h.counts
movq WORK.h.screen_address,mm6
pxor mm5,mm5
mov esi,WORK.h.depth_address
test ecx,ecx
jns p1_start
; Top trapezoid is empty
rol ecx,16
; V
test ecx,ecx
js skip_triangle
mov WORK.h.counts,ecx
mov ecx,WORK.h.d_x2
mov ebx,WORK.h.x2
mov WORK.h.d_x1,ecx
mov WORK.h.x1,ebx
sar ebx,16 ; Get integer part of X end
jmp p1_start
;; Swith to lower trapezoid
mov WORK.h.counts,ecx
; Version of X increments that loads lower X info
; Increment X's
mov ebx,WORK.h.d_x2
mov eax,WORK.h.xm
mov WORK.h.d_x1,ebx
mov ecx,WORK.h.d_xm
mov edi,eax
add eax,ecx
mov WORK.h.xm,eax
xor edi,ecx
xor edi,eax
mov ebx,WORK.h.x2
shl edi,14
jmp p1_sl_bottom_cont
; Loop jumps here for empty line
mov ecx,WORK.h.counts
mov [ebp+4],edi
ifidni direction,<lr>
mov eax,1
mov eax,-1
mov [ebp],eax
add ebp,8
sub ecx,10000h ; Decrement count (in hi word of dword)
js next_count
;; Per scanline loop
; Increment X's and generate flag for carry from bit 17->18 (crossing quadword)
mov WORK.h.counts,ecx
mov eax,WORK.h.xm
mov ecx,WORK.h.d_xm
mov ebx,WORK.h.x1
mov edi,eax
add eax,ecx
xor edi,ecx
mov ecx,WORK.h.d_x1
xor edi,eax
mov WORK.h.xm,eax
shl edi,14
lea ebx,[ebx+ecx]
sbb edi,edi
mov esi,WORK.h.depth_address
mov WORK.h.x1,ebx
mov ecx,WORK.h.depth_stride
movq mm2,WORK.d_z_y0[edi*8]
movq mm0,WORK.z0
movq mm1,WORK.z2
paddd mm0,mm2
sar eax,16 ; Get integer part of X start
add esi,ecx
movq WORK.z0,mm0
paddd mm1,mm2
sar ebx,16 ; Get integer part of X end
mov WORK.h.depth_address,esi
movq WORK.z2,mm1
; eax: start X (pixel)
; ebx: end Y (pixel)
; edi: -1 or 0 (if carry)
; esi: Pointer to start of Z buffer scanline
; mm0: Z0 Z1
; mm1 Z2 Z3
; Generate masks and pointers
cmp eax,ebx
J_EMPTY p1_next_line ; No pixels on line at all
mov ecx,eax ; Make copies
mov edx,ebx
and eax,not 3 ; Find quad word boundaries for start and end
and ebx,not 3
and ecx,3 ; Find pixel within byte for start and end
and edx,3
sub eax,ebx
je p1_one_word ; Scanline fits in one word
; Start setting up scanline loop
shl edi,31 ; Get carry bit into top of edi
add ebp,8
lea esi,[esi+ebx*2] ; Point esi at end of scanline
add ebx,edi ; Add carry bit to top of ebx
mov [ebp-8],eax ; Write out scan convertion info
mov [ebp+4-8],ebx
; Z read test, and write - 2.6 cycles per pixel
; Loop head
movq mm2,mm0 ; Make a copy of Z01
movq mm3,mm1 ; Make a copy of Z23
D_PADDD mm0,WORK.d_z_x ; Add delta to Z01
psrad mm2,16 ; Shift to get integer parts
D_PADDD mm1,WORK.d_z_x ; Add delta to Z23
psrad mm3,16
movq mm7,[esi+eax*2] ; read current z buffer pixels
packssdw mm2,mm3 ; merge Zs down to 16 bits per pixel
add eax,eax ; pixels to bytes
movq mm6,mm2 ; make copy of new Z's
ifidni direction,<lr>
sub ebp,eax ; Advance mask pointer to end of buffer
mov ebx,eax ; Remember length of line
psubusw mm6,mm7 ; Compare old and new Z's (Unsigned)
pcmpeqw mm6,zeros ; Make a mask from the results of psub
pand mm6,START_MASKS[ecx*8] ; Mask for front of scanline
movq mm4,mm6 ; Make a copy of mask
pand mm2,mm6 ; Select new Z's using mask
pandn mm6,mm7 ; Select old Z's using mask
add eax,WORD_STEP ; Loop control
por mm6,mm2 ; Combine old and new Z's
Je p1_loop_tail
; Loop body
; At this point:
; mm0 current Z01
; mm1 current Z23
; mm4 previous mask
; mm5 previous accumulated mask
; mm6 previous merged pixels
; edi end of line
; eax current count
movq mm2,mm0 ; Make copies of the current Z01 values
movq mm3,mm1 ; Make copies of the current Z23 values
D_PADDD mm0,WORK.d_z_x ; Add delta to Z01
psrad mm2,16 ; Shift to get integer parts of Z01
D_PADDD mm1,WORK.d_z_x ; Add delta to Z23
psrad mm3,16 ; Shift to get integer parts of Z23
movq mm7,[esi+eax] ; read current z buffer pixels
packssdw mm2,mm3 ; merge Zs down to 16 bits per pixel
movq [esi+eax-WORD_STEP],mm6 ; Write to prev. Z buffer pixels
movq mm6,mm2 ; make copy of new Z's
; 10 cycle stall here if destination is not in cache
movq [ebp+eax-WORD_STEP],mm4 ; Write out previous mask
psubusw mm6,mm7 ; Compare old and new Z's (Unsigned)
pcmpeqw mm6,zeros ; Make a mask from the results of PSUB
por mm5,mm4 ; Accumulate previous mask
movq mm4,mm6 ; Make a copy of mask
pand mm2,mm6 ; Select new Z's using mask
pandn mm6,mm7 ; Select old Z's using mask
add eax,WORD_STEP
por mm6,mm2 ; Combine old and new Z's
jne p1_loop_body
; Loop tail
movq mm7,[esi] ; read current z buffer pixels
psrad mm0,16 ; Shift to get integer parts of Z01
movq [esi-WORD_STEP],mm6 ; Write to prev. Z buffer pixels
psrad mm1,16 ; Shift to get integer parts of Z23
movq [ebp-WORD_STEP],mm4 ; Write out previous mask
packssdw mm0,mm1 ; merge Zs down to 16 bits per pixel
movq mm6,mm0 ; make copy of new Z's
psubusw mm0,mm7 ; Compare old and new Z's (Unsigned)
pcmpeqw mm0,zeros ; Make a mask from the results of PSUB
por mm5,mm4 ; Accumulate previous mask
pand mm0,END_MASKS[edx*8] ; Mask for end of scanline
mov ecx,WORK.h.counts
movq mm4,mm0 ; Make a copy of mask
pand mm6,mm0 ; Select new Z's using mask
pandn mm0,mm7 ; Select old Z's using mask
movq [ebp],mm4 ; Write out mask
por mm6,mm0 ; Combine old and new Z's
ifidni direction,<lr>
add ebp,8
lea ebp,[ebp+ebx+8]
por mm5,mm4 ; Accumulate mask
movq [esi],mm6 ; Write to Z buffer pixels
; Loop
sub ecx,10000h ; Decrement count (in hi word of dword)
jns p1_sl_loop
rol ecx,16 ; Move lower count to top half of dword
test ecx,ecx ; See if there is another count in bottom of dword
jns p1_sl_bottom
jmp pass2
; Write scan convertion info into mask buffer
shl edi,31 ; Get carry bit into top of ebx
movq mm2,mm0 ; Make a copy of Z01
movq mm7,[esi+ebx*2] ; read current z buffer pixels
psrad mm2,16 ; Shift to get integer parts
movq mm3,mm1 ; Make a copy of Z23
add ebx,edi
movq mm4,START_MASKS[ecx*8] ; Mask for front of scanline
psrad mm3,16
pand mm4,END_MASKS[edx*8] ; Mask for back of scanline
packssdw mm2,mm3 ; merge Zs down to 16 bits per pixel
movq mm6,mm2 ; make copy of new Z's
psubusw mm2,mm7 ; Compare old and new Z's (Unsigned)
pcmpeqw mm2,zeros ; Make a mask from the results of PSUB
; V
pand mm2,mm4 ; Mask for length scanline
mov ecx,WORK.h.counts
pand mm6,mm2 ; Select new Z's using mask
por mm5,mm2 ; Accumulate mask
movq [ebp+8],mm2 ; Write out mask
pandn mm2,mm7 ; Select old Z's using mask
por mm2,mm6 ; Combine old and new Z's
mov [ebp],eax ; Write out scan convertion info
mov [ebp+4],ebx
add ebp,16 ; Advance mask pointer
movq [esi+ebx*2],mm2 ; Write to Z buffer pixels
; V
; Loop
sub ecx,10000h ; Decrement count (in hi word of dword)
jns p1_sl_loop
rol ecx,16 ; Move lower count to top half of dword
; v
test ecx,ecx ; See if there is another count in bottom of dword
jns p1_sl_bottom
; Early out if no pixels of triangle are visible
packsswb mm5,mm5
movd eax,mm5
test eax,eax
je skip_triangle
; Unpack RGB parameters
mov ecx,ebp ; ECX = pointer to end of mask buffer
mov ebp,offset scanline_mask ; point at start of buffer
pand mm3,mask_5 ; Mask red copies
pand mm4,mm7 ; mask green copies
psrlw mm4,5 ; shift greens into position
mov eax,[ebp] ; Line length
psrlw mm5,11 ; shift blues into position
mov ebx,[ebp+4] ; Line end and carry
mov edi,WORK.h.screen_address
jmp p2_start
; Loop jumps here for empty scanlines
mov edx,WORK.h.start_scanline
inc edx
mov WORK.h.start_scanline,edx
mov edx,[ebp+4+8] ; Next line end and carry
add ebp,8
cmp ebp,ecx
jae skip_triangle
sar edx,31
nop ; V
; Read scan convertion info from masks buffer
; and increment screen address
mov edi,WORK.h.screen_address
mov eax,[ebp] ; Line length (Occasional bank conflict here)
p2_sl_loop_1: ; Loop from one word case
; Increment parameters and make copies of red, greens and blues
; Generate a temp. copy of mask_5 in mm6
; Mask the RGB copies for first iteration of loop
movq mm0,WORK.r01
pcmpeqw mm6,mm6 ; mm6 = 11111....111111
paddw mm0,WORK.d_r_y0[edx*8]
psllw mm6,11 ; mm6 = mask_5
movq mm1,WORK.g01
movq mm3,mm0
paddw mm1,WORK.d_g_y0[edx*8]
pand mm3,mm6 ; mask reds
movq mm2,WORK.b01
movq mm4,mm1
paddw mm2,WORK.d_b_y0[edx*8]
pand mm4,mm7 ; Mask greens
movq WORK.r01,mm0
movq mm5,mm2
movq WORK.g01,mm1
psrlw mm4,5 ; shift greens into position
movq WORK.b01,mm2
psrlw mm5,11 ; shift blues ino position
mov ebx,WORK.h.start_scanline
and ebx,3
paddw mm0,dither_table_5[ebx*8]
paddw mm1,dither_table_6[ebx*8]
paddw mm2,dither_table_5[ebx*8]
inc ebx
mov WORK.h.start_scanline,ebx
add edi,WORK.h.screen_stride
mov ebx,[ebp+4] ; Line end
test eax,eax
je p2_one_word ; Scanline fits in one word
mov WORK.h.screen_address,edi ; Write screen address
J_EMPTY_2 p2_next_line
lea edi,[edi+ebx*2] ; Carry bit is lost when ebx is scaled
add ebp,8 ; Move on to mask data
; Colour rendering for scanline
add eax,eax
ifidni direction,<lr>
sub ebp,eax ; Point at end of scanline
mov ebx,eax ; remember line length
; loop head
D_PADDW mm0,WORK.d_r_x ; Red Increments
; V
D_PADDW mm1,WORK.d_g_x ; Green Increments
por mm3,mm4 ; merge greens into reds
movq mm6,[ebp+eax] ; Read current mask
por mm3,mm5 ; merge blues into reds and greens
movq mm4,[edi+eax] ; Read current pixels
pand mm3,mm6 ; Mask out new pixels
pandn mm6,mm4 ; Mask out old pixels
add eax,WORD_STEP ; Loop control
por mm6,mm3 ; Merge new and old pixels
Je p2_loop_tail
; At this point:
; mm0 (R,R,R,R)
; mm1 (G,G,G,G)
; mm2 (B,B,B,B) (previous)
; mm6 previous pixels
; mm7 mask for high 6 bits of each word
D_PADDW mm2,WORK.d_b_x ; Blue increments (rolled)
movq mm3,mm0 ; make a copy of reds
movq [edi+eax-WORD_STEP],mm6 ; Write previous pixels
movq mm4,mm1 ; make a copy of greens
D_PADDW mm0,WORK.d_r_x ; Red Increments
movq mm5,mm2 ; make a copy of blues
D_PADDW mm1,WORK.d_g_x ; Green Increments
pand mm4,mm7 ; mask out greens
pand mm3,mask_5 ; mask out reds
psrlw mm4,5 ; shift greens into position
psrlw mm5,11 ; shift blues ino position
por mm3,mm4 ; merge greens into reds
movq mm6,[ebp+eax] ; Read current mask
por mm3,mm5 ; merge blues into reds and greens
movq mm4,[edi+eax] ; Read current pixels
pand mm3,mm6 ; Mask out new pixels
pandn mm6,mm4 ; Mask out old pixels
add eax,WORD_STEP ; Loop control
por mm6,mm3 ; Merge new and old pixels
jne p2_loop_body
D_PADDW mm2,WORK.d_b_x ; Blue increments (rolled)
movq [edi-WORD_STEP],mm6 ; Write previous pixels
pand mm1,mm7 ; mask out greens
pand mm0,mask_5 ; mask out reds
psrlw mm1,5 ; shift greens into position
psrlw mm2,11 ; shift blues ino position
por mm0,mm1 ; merge greens into reds
movq mm6,[ebp] ; Read current mask
por mm0,mm2 ; merge blues into reds and greens
movq mm4,[edi] ; Read current pixels
pand mm0,mm6 ; Mask out new pixels
ifidni direction,<lr>
add ebp,8 ; Move on in mask buffer
lea ebp,[ebp+ebx+8]
pandn mm6,mm4 ; Mask out old pixels
mov edx,[ebp+4] ; Next line end and carry
por mm6,mm0 ; Merge new and old pixels
sar edx,31 ; Propogate carry down whole register
movq [edi],mm6 ; Write last pixels
; Loop while still scan converted mask data
cmp ebp,ecx
jb p2_sl_loop
;; Pop workspace stack and jump
mov WORK.h.screen_address,edi ; Write screen address
por mm3,mm4 ; merge greens into reds
movq mm4,[ebp+8] ; Read current mask
por mm3,mm5 ; merge blues into reds and greens
movq mm6,[edi+ebx*2] ; Read current pixels
pand mm3,mm4 ; Mask out new pixels
pandn mm4,mm6 ; Mask out old pixels
mov edx,[ebp+20] ; Next line end and carry
por mm4,mm3 ; Merge new and old pixels
mov eax,[ebp+16] ; Next line length
sar edx,31 ; Propogate carry down whole register
add ebp,16
movq [edi+ebx*2],mm4 ; Write pixels
; Loop while still scan converted mask data
cmp ebp,ecx
jb p2_sl_loop_1
;; Pop workspace stack and jump