2022-05-03 14:31:40 -07:00

282 lines
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;; Copyright (c) 1992,1993-1995 Argonaut Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.
;; $Id: prot.asm 2.4 1995/11/29 14:13:07 sam Exp $
;; $Locker: $
;; Support routines for digging around with protected mode
;; XXX Add thunks for non-DPMI exception handler
.model flat,c
; br_error BR_RESIDENT_ENTRY HostInterruptGet(br_uint_8 vector, br_uint_32 *offp, br_uint_16 *selp);
HostInterruptGet proc uses ebx es, vector: dword, voffp:ptr dword, vsegp:ptr word
ifdef __DPMI__
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte ptr vector
mov eax,0204h ; Get Protected Mode Interrupt Vector
int 31h ; DPMI
mov ebx,vsegp
mov [ebx],cx
mov ebx,voffp
mov [ebx],edx
else ; PHARLAP or X-32
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte ptr vector
mov eax,02502h
int 21h
mov eax,vsegp
mov [eax],es
mov eax,voffp
mov [eax],ebx
xor eax,eax
HostInterruptGet endp
; br_error BR_RESIDENT_ENTRY HostInterruptSet(br_uint_8 vector, br_uint_32 off, br_uint_16 sel);
HostInterruptSet proc uses ebx ds, vector: dword, voff:dword, vseg:dword
ifdef __DPMI__
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte ptr vector
mov cx,word ptr vseg
mov edx,voff
mov eax,0205h ; Set Protected Mode Interrupt Vector
int 31h ; DPMI
else ; PHARLAP or X-32
mov cl,byte ptr vector
mov edx,voff
mov ds,word ptr vseg
mov eax,02504h
int 21h
xor eax,eax
HostInterruptSet endp
; br_error BR_RESIDENT_ENTRY HostExceptionGet(br_uint_8 exception, br_uint_32 *offp, br_uint_16 *selp);
HostExceptionGet proc uses ebx, vector: dword, voffp:ptr dword, vsegp:ptr word
ifdef __DPMI__
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte ptr vector
mov eax,0202h ; Get Exception Handler Vector
int 31h ; DPMI
mov ebx,vsegp
mov [ebx],cx
mov ebx,voffp
mov [ebx],edx
else ; PHARLAP or X-32
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte ptr vector
mov eax,02532h
int 21h
mov eax,vsegp
mov [eax],es
mov eax,voffp
mov [ebx],eax
xor eax,eax
HostExceptionGet endp
; br_error BR_RESIDENT_ENTRY HostExceptionSet(br_uint_8 exception, br_uint_32 off, br_uint_16 sel);
HostExceptionSet proc uses ebx, vector: dword, voff:dword, vseg:dword
ifdef __DPMI__
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte ptr vector
mov cx,word ptr vseg
mov edx,voff
mov eax,0203h ; Set Exception Handler Vector
int 31h ; DPMI
else ; PHARLAP or X-32
mov cl,byte ptr vector
mov edx,voff
mov ds,word ptr vseg
mov eax,02533h
int 21h
xor eax,eax
HostExceptionSet endp
; br_error BR_RESIDENT_ENTRY HostInterruptCall(br_uint_8 vector, union host_regs *regs);
; Invokes the given software interrupt. The registers are set up accoring to the contents
; of regs (except cs:eip and ss:esp)
; The state after the interrupt is written back into the same place
; Build local varibales explicitly (to avoid masm's use of ebp)
hic_local struct
thunk dd ?
out_ds dw ?
save_ds dw ?
save_edi dd ?
save_ebp dd ?
hic_local ends
HostInterruptCall proc uses ebx esi edi es fs gs, vec:dword, regs: ptr host_regs
; Set up local workspace on stack
sub esp,sizeof hic_local
; Put a thunk on stack to invoke the correct interrupt
mov [esp].hic_local.thunk, 00c300cdh ; INT 0, RET
mov al,byte ptr vec
mov byte ptr [esp].hic_local.thunk+1,al
; Set up all the registers and call the thunk
mov edi,regs
mov [esp].hic_local.save_ds,ds
mov [esp].hic_local.save_edi,edi
mov [esp].hic_local.save_ebp,ebp
; Push return address and thunk ptr.
lea eax,[esp].hic_local.thunk
push return_here
push eax
mov es,[edi].host_regs.w._ds
push es
mov es,[edi].host_regs.w._es
mov fs,[edi].host_regs.w._fs
mov gs,[edi].host_regs.w._gs
mov eax,[edi].host_regs.x._eax
mov ebx,[edi].host_regs.x._ebx
mov ecx,[edi].host_regs.x._ecx
mov edx,[edi].host_regs.x._edx
mov ebp,[edi].host_regs.x._ebp
mov esi,[edi].host_regs.x._esi
mov edi,[edi].host_regs.x._edi
pop ds
db 0c3h ;RET ; Calls thunk and returns
return_here: ; to here
; Copy all the registers back
mov [esp].hic_local.out_ds,ds
mov ds,[esp].hic_local.save_ds
xchg [esp].hic_local.save_ebp,ebp
xchg [esp].hic_local.save_edi,edi
mov [edi].host_regs.x._eax,eax
mov [edi].host_regs.x._ebx,ebx
mov [edi].host_regs.x._ecx,ecx
mov [edi].host_regs.x._edx,edx
mov [edi].host_regs.x._esi,esi
pop ax
mov [edi].host_regs.w.flags,ax
mov ax,[esp].hic_local.out_ds
mov [edi].host_regs.w._ds,ax
mov [edi].host_regs.w._es,es
mov [edi].host_regs.w._fs,fs
mov [edi].host_regs.w._gs,gs
mov eax,[esp].hic_local.save_ebp
mov [edi].host_regs.x._ebp,eax
mov eax,[esp].hic_local.save_edi
mov [edi].host_regs.x._edi,eax
add esp,sizeof hic_local
xor eax,eax
HostInterruptCall endp
; br_error BR_RESIDENT_ENTRY HostRegistersGet(union host_regs *regs);
HostRegistersGet proc
push edi
mov edi,[esp+12]
pop [edi].host_regs.w.flags
mov [edi].host_regs.x._eax,eax
mov [edi].host_regs.x._ebx,ebx
mov [edi].host_regs.x._ecx,ecx
mov [edi].host_regs.x._edx,edx
mov [edi].host_regs.x._ebp,ebp
mov [edi].host_regs.x._esi,esi
mov [edi].host_regs.w._ds,ds
mov [edi].host_regs.w._es,es
mov [edi].host_regs.w._fs,fs
mov [edi].host_regs.w._gs,gs
mov [edi].host_regs.w._ss,ss
mov [edi].host_regs.w._cs,cs
mov eax,[esp+8]
mov [edi].host_regs.x._edi,eax
add esp,4
xor eax,eax
HostRegistersGet endp
; br_error HostSelectorDS(br_uint_16 *psel)
HostSelectorDS proc near , selp: ptr word
mov eax,selp
mov word ptr [eax],ds
xor eax,eax
HostSelectorDS endp
; br_error HostSelectorCS(br_uint_16 *psel)
HostSelectorCS proc near , selp: ptr word
mov eax,selp
mov word ptr [eax],cs
xor eax,eax
HostSelectorCS endp
; br_error HostSelectorSS(br_uint_16 *psel)
HostSelectorSS proc near , selp: ptr word
mov eax,selp
mov word ptr [eax],ss
xor eax,eax
HostSelectorSS endp
; br_error HostSelectorES(br_uint_16 *psel)
HostSelectorES proc near , selp: ptr word
mov eax,selp
mov word ptr [eax],es
xor eax,eax
HostSelectorES endp