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Raw Normal View History

2022-05-03 16:30:35 -05:00
* Copyright (c) 1993-1995 Argonaut Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.
* $Id: lightmac.h 1.1 1997/07/11 16:15:30 jon Exp JON $
* $Locker: JON $
* Macros for building the lighting functions
* Clamp a component to (0,1], scale and offset
#define CLAMP_SCALE(c) do { \
if ((c) >= BR_SCALAR(1.0)) \
else if ((c) <= BR_SCALAR(0.0)) \
(c) = BR_SCALAR(0.0); \
else \
(c) = BR_MUL(BR_SCALAR(256.0), (c)); \
} while(0);
* Find dot product of reflected vector and eye
* uses dirn_norm, n, and rend.eye_l
* produces dot
#define SPECULAR_DOT() do { \
br_vector3 r; \
br_scalar rd; \
rd = BR_CONST_MUL(BrVector3Dot(&dirn_norm,n),2); \
BrVector3Scale(&r,n,rd); \
BrVector3Sub(&r,&r,&dirn_norm); \
dot = BrVector3Dot(&rend.eye_l,&r); \
} while(0)
* Given the dot-product of eye & reflected vector, returns specular component of lighting eqn.
#define SPECULAR_POWER(l) BR_MULDIV(dot,l,self->state.surface.power-BR_MUL(self->state.surface.power,dot)+dot)
* Given dist, calculates dirn_norm & dist
#define CALCULATE_DIRN_NORM() do { \
br_scalar s; \
dist = BrVector3Length(&dirn); \
if(dist <= 2 * BR_SCALAR_EPSILON) \
return; \
s = BR_RCP(dist); \
BrVector3Scale(&dirn_norm,&dirn,s); \
} while(0)
* Given dist, calculates attn
br_scalar dist2; \
if(dist >= BR_SCALAR(180.0)) \
dist2 = BR_SCALAR(32767.0); \
else \
dist2 = BR_MUL(dist,dist); \
attn = BR_RCP(alp->s->attenuation_c \
+ BR_MUL(dist,alp->s->attenuation_l) \
+ BR_MUL(dist2,alp->s->attenuation_q)); \
} while(0)
#define DIFFUSE_DOT() do { \
dot = BrVector3Dot(n,&dirn_norm); \
if(dot <= BR_SCALAR(0.0)) \
return; \
} while(0)
#define SPOT_DOT() do { \
dot_spot = BrVector3Dot(&dirn_norm,&alp->direction); \
if(dot_spot < alp->s->spot_outer) \
return; \
} while(0)
#define SPOT_FALLOFF(v) ((dot_spot < alp->s->spot_inner)?\
BR_MULDIV((v),alp->s->spot_outer - dot_spot, alp->s->spot_outer - alp->s->spot_inner) : (v))